Teaching experience

Roswitha Müller received her singing teaching diploma with distinction and has taught
since 2005 at the Hochschule der Künste and the Musikschule Konservatorium in Zurich.

She has benefited from an array of master-classes, courses and private lessons with Margreet Honig in Amsterdam, John Norris in Berlin and David Jones in New York, to name but a few.

Over two decades Roswitha Müller has consolidated many different pedagogical approaches and methods, which enable singers to use their bodies more effectively while singing. With practical exercises based both on the Alexander technique and on the theories of Ilse Middendorf, previous chronic tensions are relieved and body, breath and mind are brought into a harmonious flow. This process of discovery and the subsequent integration and development of these new experiences allow singers to come into contact with their essential being and to express themselves vocally and musically as they have always wished to do.